The People’s Inauguration

America is in transition. Sound government is necessary – but it’s not enough to create a society where we are all free.
This work belongs to us, the people.

Watch the People’s Inauguration kick off event above. For closed captions, click here.

On January 20, 2021, we celebrated democracy at work as a new President and historic Vice President made an oath of office. On January 21st, we made our own commitments — to do our part in healing, reimagining and rebuilding this country.

What’s Next?

From January 22-31, we embarked on a free 10-day journey to deepen the commitment you made with the people’s oath. The complete set of recordings is now available for purchase here. From here, the People’s Inauguration will transform into a twelve-month journey that gives participants a formal learning space, builds community, and catalyzes change. Make sure you’re signed up to learn more, stay connected and receive updates from the People’s Inauguration team.

Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. Use the hashtag #PeoplesInauguration to join our journey through January 31st.

Want to go deeper? Take the 10 Day Journey.

We invite you to keep the momentum going with “The People’s Inauguration: 10 Days to Activate Revolutionary Love” — a 10-day online journey that will equip and prepare you to put into practice the commitment you made with the people’s oath.

Join Valarie Kaur and an extraordinary community of visionaries, artists, activists, and healers to reclaim love as a force for justice and change in our world. The series will help us reckon with all we have lost and point us toward a vision of the society we can build together, grounded in love. In the wake of recent turmoil, violence, and insurrection, it is more important than ever to come together around justice, healing, and renewal.

Find out more about the 10-day journey here.

Recap: Ways to Join The People’s Inauguration

Sign up to stay connected with us throughout the year as we bring our communities together, tend our wounds, and begin the labor of reckoning, reimagining and remaking our nation block-by-block, heart-to-heart.

Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. Use the hashtag #PeoplesInauguration to join our journey throughout the year.

Take the people’s oath with your family, classroom, faith community, organization or through art and share it using the hashtag #PeoplesInauguration. Sign up to receive templates and directions on how to take the oath and host your own ritual.

Join the 10 Day Journey with Valarie Kaur and dozens of visionaries, artists, activists, and healers to put revolutionary love into practice and play your role in building a future with freedom and justice for all.

Each of us has a role to play in this moment. Stay tuned for more information and links to join The People’s Inauguration.

The People's Inauguration

On January 20th, we celebrated the work of democracy as we watched a new President and barrier-breaking Vice President make an oath of office. The next day, on January 21st, we joined them in making a commitment to do our part to heal and rebuild America. We envision a nation that is anti-racist, equitable, and sustainable. Each of us has a role in that labor, and we will only succeed if we lead with love.

January 21st kicked off 10 days of virtual conversations, artistic expressions, music performances, teach-ins, vigils and around-the-table family ceremonies. Some events focused on grief and healing; others on justice and reckoning, others on joy and rising. All of them had one thing in common: the expression of a “people’s oath” that recommits us to our core values and to one another.

Sign up for links & templates

  1. Sign up here! You’ll receive emails with information and templates if you would like to create your own event. Follow the People’s Inauguration on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
  2. Join the free teaching series “10 Days to Activate Revolutionary Love led by Valarie Kaur and visionary thinkers of our time who will help us walk into this era together.

The People’s Inauguration is for all of us. Anyone who feels breathless from the crises plaguing our nation – white supremacy, armed insurrection, racial injustice, climate catastrophe, and a pandemic that is disproportionately killing people of color. Let’s envision the nation we could be.

  • Educators: Bring this experience to your students. We have lesson plans for you!
  • Faith leaders: Gather your congregations in prayer and reflection with our templates.
  • Artists: We need your music, song, poetry, and dance! We have ideas for you.
  • Parents: Bring your children close for a round-the-table family ceremony.
  • All: Use our templates to inspire secular ritual, quiet reflection, and the experience you need.

It’s virtual! You can join from anywhere.

“I, (insert name),
do solemnly vow
that I will faithfully execute my role
in healing, reimagining, and rebuilding
our country,
and will to the best of my ability,
preserve, protect, and defend
dignity, justice, and joy
for myself and for all around me,
and that I will do so with love.”

This is modeled after the presidential oath of office from the U.S. Constitution.

This is a woman-of-color led vision from Valarie Kaur, Sikh American activist, author of SEE NO STRANGER, and founder of the Revolutionary Love Project. Read more about her vision here. This event is produced and organized by The Revolutionary Love Project, Dream Corps, Amplifier, Soze, Harness, and Sounds True.

We need collective renewal, accountability, and a strong moral vision in order to build the society we could become. Sound government is necessary but not sufficient to heal and transition America into a society where we are all safe and free. That work belongs to us, we the people. May this event help create a shift in consciousness and culture. A revolution of the heart.

You can read our full vision here.

Love without limit. Not civility. Not a rush to forgiveness. Not healing without accountability. This is love that anchors nonviolent social movements for justice. The People’s Inauguration brings to life the “revolutionary love” proclaimed by the visionary writer and activist Valarie Kaur. Listen to her TED talk: “3 Lessons of Revolutionary Love in a Time of Rage.” Read her acclaimed book SEE NO STRANGER: A Memoir and Manifesto of Revolutionary Love.

Yes. The People’s Inauguration is open to all. Anyone can access the templates, watch the content online, and participate live in the teaching series, 10 days to Activate Revolutionary Love from January 22-31.

Now that that live 10-days series is over, a complete set of event recordings is now available for purchase or you can apply for a scholarship and pay what you can. Fifty percent of all proceeds will go towards the non-profit work of the Revolutionary Love Project and will support organizing, teaching, and mobilization centering BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) stories, resilience, and wisdom.

Yes! If your organization shares our three pillars of agreement, we welcome you. Please click here for more information or email

After January 21st, the People’s Inauguration will transform into a twelve-month journey that gives participants a formal learning space, builds community, and deepens their impact. To learn more, make sure you are signed up for the People’s Inauguration!